Host a Collegiate Baseball Player!
Families in your area are needed now!
Call us: 1 (800) 330-0459
Host a 2016 Florida Collegiate Summer League Player!
We are looking for families interested in the hosting experience but who are only looking for a short term program to take in our Players! Each player in the Florida League is pursuing his dream of playing in Major League Baseball.
The host family program is a vital part of every collegiate summer league team across the country. The FCSL is looking for generous families willing to open their homes to our players for the 2016 summer. We at the Florida League believe the quality of people who live in the Sanford area will provide our players the necessary hospitality for an enjoyable summer.
Host families take a player(s) into their home over the course of ten weeks during the season. Players arrive during the first week of June and generally stay through the second week of August (at the latest, depending on playoffs).
The benefits to committing to the host family program are significant.
- First and foremost, you would be assisting young men in their pursuit of playing professional baseball.
- Form a bond with your player(s) that extends well beyond one summer of baseball in Florida.
- Become part of the Florida League “family”.
- Each host is provided with complimentary season passes, so they may travel to both home and away games to see their boys play.
- You will also have the option of being compensated financially at a rate of $50/week per player in return for your generosity.
Host family responsibilities:
- Provide your player with a stable, clean, and healthy environment for the duration of the summer.
- Provide a few meals each week to their players would be particularly desirable. (Players are students and so their finances are stretched thin)
About the Host Family program
- The ideal numbers of players per host family is two, although one is great as well!
- Players arrange their own transportation to and from the ballpark
- Players need access to a washer, dryer and refrigerator
- Be aware that players return home from games between 10:30pm-Midnight
- Keep in mind these will be college students between the ages of 18-22
Players are recruited through their college baseball coaches, and all of them have agreed to maintain impeccable moral standards, abide by NCAA guidelines, and be a role model to our fans. If any player’s actions, on or off the field, are not congruent with these standards, we will ask them to pack their bags and return home. We believe that living in a family’s home is a privilege the players should respect and appreciate.
Becoming a host family for the summer is a big responsibility. Therefore, we will make our players and our host families as compatible as possible to avoid potential problems, and that requires an application process. Before applying to our program please carefully consider the information provided in this letter. Then, if you are willing to proceed, please contact us. We truly appreciate your generosity and commitment to these young student-athletes!

“Baseball is one of the purest sports out there. When I got to know the whole [FCSL] group, [hosting players] just seemed like the right thing to do… The bonds that the players formed with our family, particularly with our boys, are priceless.”– Sanford Mayor Jeff Triplett
The Florida Collegiate Summer League was founded in 2003 to provide a place in Florida for college players to hone their wood bat skills against top-level competition, in a festive community environment. Partially funded by Major League Baseball, FCSL is a non-profit 501C3 corporation. For more information please visit our website at www.FloridaLeague.com